Find Latitude Longitude From Address

Market Lat Long

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This free online Latitude and Longitude converter tool helps to get latitude and longitude from address. You only need to enter the address and this Lat Long Calculator will provide the latitude and longitude of your given address. Under Address to Lat Long converter, the respective location would be displayed in the Google Map with Latitude and Longitude info window. By clicking on the Google Map, you can get the latitude and longitude for the selected location.

What are Latitude and Longitude?

Latitude and Longitude are the geographic coordinates that specify north–south position of a point on the Earth’s periphery. Latitude and Longitude are fictional lines drawn on maps to locate places easily on the Earth. Latitude lines are drawn horizontally on the map and it ranges from 0° to 90° north and south. Longitude lines are drawn vertically on the map and it ranges up to +180°, down to -180° east and west.

Uses of Latitude and Longitude

Basically, address to latitude and longitude conversion is required during pointing the exact location on Google Map. You need to send latitude and longitude with Google Maps API and it will point the marker on the exact location.

Please note that: Use the Latitude and Longitude converter tool at your own risk, we don't provide any guarantee the accuracy of the given coordinates.
